Incentive Research Foundation Study Reveals the Key Drivers of Work-From-Home Engagement

1 min read
Oct 18, 2022 7:30:00 AM

This recent research on the fundamental drivers of engagement in the new remote work environment reveals the following strategies and tactics that companies can use to truly engage their teams:

  • Interesting and challenging work
  • Granting of trust and autonomy (including flexible and remote work)
  • Access to information, including opportunities for growth (learning, assignments, jobs, promotions)
  • Frequent interaction with direct managers
  • Online tools to boost recognition and appreciation
  • Cash, points, and open-ended gift cards
  • Time off
  • Travel
  • Experiences (e.g. dinner for two)
  • Gifts presented by a manager

“Our expert interviewees emphasize tangible rewards like travel, meetings, experiences, and points-based recognition platforms as most vital in encouraging communications and collaboration among the remote/hybrid workforce.”