The Evergrow Story - How a Great Idea Was Planted
Where do the seeds of a new product come from? For Rob Purdy, founder and CEO of CarltonOne Engagement, inspiration came from frustration.
"It just wasn’t meaningful enough. We’d been working for months on an all-new product. It was going to be perfect for small to medium sized companies. We took everything we knew about how to engage and reward employees at large businesses, and made it simpler and more affordable for smaller companies. We added AI personalization, great rewards, feedback, wellness challenges and savings. The product (code-named Elevate) was really exciting… but I felt there was something missing.”
At CarltonOne, Rob has helped companies around the world recognize, motivate and reward employees. It’s a mission critical issue. Companies that inspire more motivated employees, creating an engaged culture, are 43% more productive and 21% more profitable. But it’s not an easy switch to turn on. Creating engagement is a personal, emotional process.
“I’ve been a lifelong environmental evangelist. I’ve been privileged to travel and experience some of the world’s most beautiful landscapes and extraordinary wildlife. Over the years, I’ve seen climate change move from a science story to the front pages — and become both a business risk, and a very personal fear for everyone. And I realized that we could make work more meaningful by helping employees make a difference to the world outside their office. If we could directly connect their actions at work to actions against climate change, that could be a truly meaningful motivation. And that’s how the seed of Evergrow was planted.”
The Evergrow business model turns every employee transaction into funding for planting new native trees around the world. Our planting partner, Eden Reforestation Projects, uses this funding to employee local communities in Madagascar, Nepal, Mozambique and Kenya to plant and protect seedlings.
The more that members use Evergrow, the more trees are planted. It’s a climate change movement powered by employee performance.
Why trees? They are the planet’s natural air filters. We just need a few billion more of them. Recent science shows that one effective way to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas is to restore vital forests and mangroves. While the science of climate change is complex, this solution is remarkably simple. Trees naturally absorb and store dangerous carbon. In fact, just one tree can remove up to 48 lbs. of carbon every year.
Trees also offer much more than an affordable way to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere — they provide safe harbor for native animals, insects, pollinators and plants. Shelter, shade, food and nutrients make trees a pivotal part of every local ecosystem. New forests protect the local environment against extreme weather events triggered by climate change. Roots stabilize soil against landslides, mangroves protect beachfronts from erosion and damaging storm surges, and forests provide shelter for wildlife during tropical storms.
For businesses, Evergrow is an affordable way to boost employee loyalty and motivation with easy performance recognition, amazing rewards, wellness challenges, and savings all in one app.
“Everyone we talk to about Evergrow loves the concept and can’t wait to sign up. It fills a real need for many companies — owners want to inspire their teams to create something amazing, but until now, haven’t been able to afford the sophisticated tools that enterprises use. And planting trees is such an inspiring benefit. We’ve already planted almost 3 million trees this year, and our goal is 100 million every year by 2022.
For employees, Evergrow makes work mean more, especially in these disconnected days of remote work and social isolation. It rewards collaboration, performance and connection, and builds a healthy sense of community. But most importantly, it empowers every member to directly help reverse climate change.
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